In the Dec 3 meeting of The Open Source Way editorial group, I informed the group that I will need to step down from the position of Lead Editor for the project.
This is not due to any lack of interest in the project on my part. But the requirements of my daily job have precluded me from dedicating enough time to the editorial work, and for a while I have felt like I was more of a drag on the project than a help. I was hoping that post 11/15, this situation would change, but it is clear that this is not the case.
So, to benefit the project as a whole, I am going to step away for the position. So if anyone is interested in helping out with part of the project, please let me or Karsten know, and we can hand off the task set.
Brian Proffitt
Manager, Community Outreach
Open Source Program Office
Red Hat
M: 5747805695