June & July 2021 community manager report
by Karsten Wade
June and July were busy months for me all around, and I didn't get to as
much of the "Needs attention" items as I intended. Following this email
I'll send out separate threads for specific help with the governance and
organizing the 2.1 release.
* Events / Talks / Videos
* Upcoming events
* Social media
* Cross-stream work
* Needs attention
= Events / Talks / Videos
== Upstream 2021 7 June 2021
I'm combining this section because it was all one event. On 7 June I
attended and spoke at Upstream 2021, an event billed as a "one-day
celebration of open source, the developers who use it, and the maintainers
who make it. My presentation used the new general talk template I put
together, which is currently in Google Slides.
Event: https://upstream.live/
My talk: https://explore.tidelift.com/upstream/main/session-karsten-wade
(or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzFF4rjs-Ms)
Presentation with speaker notes:
= Upcoming events
* OSPOCon Monday 27 September
- The Community Management Handbook: The Open Source Way 2.0 (
https://sched.co/lANa )
* In person at Open Source Summit 27 - 30 September (co-located with
* In person at All Things Open Monday 17 - 19 October
- And possibly Community Leadership Summit on Sunday 17 October
= Social media
We continued the series of tweets from the @RedHatOpen Twitter account, one
for each chapter of the book:
= Cross-stream work
In the Documentation and Curation sub-group, we worked on group formation
details (team agreement, etc.) and began talking about the plan to tackle
the community handbook.
In the Open Community Development Model, the sub-group is slightly newer
than other groups and we just finished our team agreement. Group
discussions right now are centering around identifying existing model
resources we can base on or draw from.
In the Community Advisory Group, we worked on policy for projects in the
CAG area, which we
then recommended to other advisory groups.
== Inclusive Naming Initiative
In the Language Workstream, we are collaborating on the process of how to
write out a recommendation for a word or term, and will be working on the
first one this month. Once the process is created, we can split the work up
to get it all done. This is for bringing us to the first release of the INI
word list.
In the Community & Tooling workstream, we are looking at the range of tools
that already exist and the processes already tried, toward putting together
recommendations and a toolkit for open source projects that want to adopt
the INI word lists and processes.
= Needs attention
I'll start separate threads about these topics:
* Governance for this community
* Need a managing editor for the 2.1 version
* Printed books
* Community of practice meetups
* Interviews for open source way stories
Karsten Wade [he/him/his] | Senior Community Architect | @quaid
Red Hat Open Source Program Office (OSPO) : @redhatopen
The Open Source Way : https://theopensourceway.org
Operate First : https://operate-first.cloud
3 years, 6 months