Canceled event: TOSW 2.0 weekly stand-up @ Thu Dec 31, 2020 11:30 - 12:20 (PST) (
This event has been canceled.
Title: TOSW 2.0 weekly stand-up
Welcome to the weekly stand-up/check-in for all people working on or
interested in the progress of the 2.0 version of The Open Source
Way: is the new contributor
meeting that is open to all participants, held under our Code of Conduct
[URL FIXME]. The email list contrib(a) has been
invited; this invitation is open to all.This audio and video of this call
is recorded and will be shared publicly under a CC BY SA 4.0 International
license as a content artifact of this open source project Status of repeating meeting20200423 -
Updating to have a full hour so we can be available for people to have a
crossover meeting; suggestion came out of last week's meeting to
accommodate typical one-the-hour meeting starts, this takes advantage of
that to allow to have a conflicting meeting and still drop in here.20200219
-- Trying this out in real-time, hoping that all the parts work. In the
interests of being fair to peoples' time and the desire to be a fully
transparent project, we will spend up to five minutes resolving any issues
in real-time. If we have some people unable to join, we can work toward
resolving their issues for the next week.20020227 -- open meetings minutes
for today, may switch to more central tooling solution after
When: Thu Dec 31, 2020 11:30 – 12:20 Pacific Time - Los Angeles
Joining info: Join with Google Meet
Join by phone
(US) +1 662-493-2566 (PIN: 329841517)
More joining options:
Calendar: contrib(a)
(Guest list has been hidden at organizer's request)
Invitation from Google Calendar:
You are receiving this courtesy email at the account
contrib(a) because you are an attendee of this event.
To stop receiving future updates for this event, decline this event.
Alternatively you can sign up for a Google account at and control your notification
settings for your entire calendar.
Forwarding this invitation could allow any recipient to send a response to
the organizer and be added to the guest list, or invite others regardless
of their own invitation status, or to modify your RSVP. Learn more at
4 years, 1 month
Reviews and edits, small and large
by Karsten Wade
Now is when we need some other pairs of eyes to review and edit the
content we've been working on.
Below is a list of shorter and longer reviews to do, where to find the
source, and the straightforward way if you edit in GitHub. If you are
going to copy out and edit in e.g. Google Doc, just let us know in this
thread with the link (and share Edit permissions to myself so I can get
the changes).
These chapters/intros may need a small bit of development edit still,
but are largely ready for full copy edits.
Section intros -- a few paragraphs and description of what is in the
chapters in the particular section.
"Getting Started":
"Attracting Users"
"Guiding Participants"
"Growing Contributors"
"Measuring Success"
"Defining Healthy Communities"
"Creating a Culture of Mentorship"
how to edit
1. Look at the file in GitHub, links above.
2. On the file page, the source is rendered by GH; in the top-right
corner of the render pane is an edit "pencil".
3. You can now edit the document directly in the browser window.
4. If you want to leave a comment, add it on a new line with your
initials, like so:
KW: A comment from me!
5. You can check your changes using the "Preview changes" tab at the top
of the render space.
6. When you are done, fill out the "Commit changes" section under the
source editor.
7. Put a short description in the first field of what you did, e.g.
"Copy and style edit of chapter"
8. Put in any additional context, notes, or documentation in the
extended description field.
9. Select "Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull
request." Fill out the branch name with this or a similar format:
10. Click "Propose Changes:".
11. This takes you to the "Open a pull request page". Fill it out thus:
- Add more comments, if needed.
- Add reviewers, if you want to call out a particular reviewer or editor.
12. Click "Create pull request".
13. Come back to this mailing list and let us know you made a pull
request for which file. We'll go look at it right away.
Karsten Wade [he/him/his]| Senior Community Architect | @quaid
Red Hat Open Source Program Office (OSPO) : @redhatopen | | |
4 years, 1 month
Canceled event with note: TOSW 2.0 weekly stand-up @ Thu Dec 24, 2020 11:30 - 12:20 (PST) (
This event has been canceled with this note:
"Christmas Eve is a holiday in the US, not expecting any attendance until
Jan 2021"
Title: TOSW 2.0 weekly stand-up
Welcome to the weekly stand-up/check-in for all people working on or
interested in the progress of the 2.0 version of The Open Source
Way: is the new contributor
meeting that is open to all participants, held under our Code of Conduct
[URL FIXME]. The email list contrib(a) has been
invited; this invitation is open to all.This audio and video of this call
is recorded and will be shared publicly under a CC BY SA 4.0 International
license as a content artifact of this open source project Status of repeating meeting20200423 -
Updating to have a full hour so we can be available for people to have a
crossover meeting; suggestion came out of last week's meeting to
accommodate typical one-the-hour meeting starts, this takes advantage of
that to allow to have a conflicting meeting and still drop in here.20200219
-- Trying this out in real-time, hoping that all the parts work. In the
interests of being fair to peoples' time and the desire to be a fully
transparent project, we will spend up to five minutes resolving any issues
in real-time. If we have some people unable to join, we can work toward
resolving their issues for the next week.20020227 -- open meetings minutes
for today, may switch to more central tooling solution after
When: Thu Dec 24, 2020 11:30 – 12:20 Pacific Time - Los Angeles
Joining info: Join with Google Meet
Join by phone
(US) +1 662-493-2566 (PIN: 329841517)
More joining options:
Calendar: contrib(a)
(Guest list has been hidden at organizer's request)
Invitation from Google Calendar:
You are receiving this courtesy email at the account
contrib(a) because you are an attendee of this event.
To stop receiving future updates for this event, decline this event.
Alternatively you can sign up for a Google account at and control your notification
settings for your entire calendar.
Forwarding this invitation could allow any recipient to send a response to
the organizer and be added to the guest list, or invite others regardless
of their own invitation status, or to modify your RSVP. Learn more at
4 years, 1 month
Release tomorrow ... splash in January!
by Karsten Wade
Hi friends:
I had a very cogent realization yesterday while doing final edits on the
chapter "Announcing Software Releases".
Bet you know where this is going ...
* We are releasing the 2.0 version of the guide tomorrow. Congratulations!
* We are planning a big splash about the release for mid-January 2021. Cool!
* Polish and content will continue to come in; splashy release will
probably be 2.0.1 technically. *Whew*
Here's the cogent part:
Re-reading through everything but with an eye on the whole book has been
a great experience these last few weeks. I got a chance to reflect on
the many principles in the guide we've been following, and where we
still have some work to do as a project.
Sometimes it's a small thing. For example, I started adding
"Signed-off-by: Karsten Wade <kwade(a)>" for a DCO to my git
commit messages. (That is most likely going to be a recommendation in a
future chapter on legal topics.)
Sometimes it's a larger thing, like realizing that we really didn't
prepare ourselves to announce a release tomorrow:
There are a few key advantages in waiting for mid-January:
* People are looking forward to getting away from work/tech in many of
the places we are announcing to. There is a lot of tech news going on
right now. Something announcing this week would be missed by much of our
* We can polish up a release announcement and materials to make it all a
better splash. That helps us reach our audiences, too.
* We can do a proper Press Release, if we wish. That would be cool.
* Additional polish and material can continue with the guide as we close
toward the date.
* We might be able to do a bit of evolution on our branding by then.[1]
The original reason for mid-Dec 2020 began in Oct 2019. The idea was to
do a splashy release at a DevRel event this week. It continued to remain
a good milestone for finishing the content. It turns out not to be a
good milestone for making a splashy announcement in the year 2020.
Oh, well, live and learn. :)
Kind regards,
- Karsten
Karsten Wade [he/him/his]| Senior Community Architect | @quaid
Red Hat Open Source Program Office (OSPO) : @redhatopen | | |
4 years, 1 month
Conclusion on conclusions
by Karsten Wade
We had an open item to define a common way to conclude each chapter, and
now it's something you can help with.
This is a task someone can do within a few hours, I reckon—or about
fifteen minutes a chapter, if smaller chunks helps you imagine it.
You can read or scan through each chapter (twenty of them), then write
up a conclusion using the template/example.
To do this, here are the steps to follow for each chapter:
1. Pick a chapter in the Final Review column:
2. Click the card title > the card slides out from the right.
3. On the card look at the first comment at the top, it will say "File
in repo: some_name.adoc".
4. Go to this page and scroll down until you see 'some_name.adoc', then
click on 'some_name.adoc':
5. This takes you to a page [1] for the file in the repo where you can
edit it. Now click on the "pen" icon between the [Raw][Blame] buttons
and the "trash" icon.
6. In the "Edit file" area, scroll to the bottom of the page and look
for a last block of text beginning with "== Conclusion". If there is
already a conclusion, then you can close this tab satisfied that you
have confirmed this one has a conclusion. Return to the beginning to
check the next chapter.
7. If there is no "== Conclusion" block, spend a few minutes scanning
the chapter and writing a "== Conclusion" block for the chapter. Here is
the format from Issue #160:
== Conclusion
This chapter discussed solutions to common problems with Foo, including
Bar and Baaz, and several examples of Quux. Finally, the chapter
concludes with a long discussion of Lorem Ipsum Dolor ..."
8. You are now going to submit these for a "Pull Request", meaning you
are going to hand them over to one of us to review for inclusion. In
this step we'll do any clean-up, ask any questions, and so forth. In
most cases, we'll do a light edit and commit your change to the main repo.
9. You can use the "Preview changes" area to see your changes in place
and make sure they look correct. Then go to the "Commit changes" area below.
10. In the first field below the words "Commit changes" by your user
icon—the field has a gray "Update some_name.adoc"—replace the text with
something short such as, "Adding chapter Conclusion as per template".
11. In the area "Add an optional extended description...", you can add
any additional context/reason why, comments, questions, etc. you have
around this commit. You are handing this block of text off to another
person, do you have anything you want them to know? (Even an incomplete
conclusion moves things along, don't worry about getting it perfect,
good enough is good enough.)
12. Finally, add a line like this as the last line in the extended
description to indicate you are making this copyright contribution to
the project [2]:
"Signed-off-by: Your Name <email-you-use-for-github(a)>:
13. Just above the green "Commit changes" button you can select to
"Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request". Select
that and click "Commit changes".
14. Fill out the branch name with this format:
15. Click "Propose Changes:".
16. This takes you to the "Open a pull request page". Fill it out thus:
- Add more comments, if needed.
- Add reviewers, if you want to call out a particular reviewer or
editor. (Optional)
17. Click "Create pull request".
18. Congrats! Your pull request was made successfully, one of us will
review it soonest. You can now go back to step 1 and check the
Conclusion for the next chapter in the list.
[1] Format of any file
[2] This is commonly the shorthand for invoking the "Developer
Certificate of Origin" or DCO, which I think we want with our project
but haven't implemented yet.
Karsten Wade [he/him/his]| Senior Community Architect | @quaid
Red Hat Open Source Program Office (OSPO) : @redhatopen | | |
4 years, 1 month
[Status Change] Lead Editorial Position
by Brian Proffitt
In the Dec 3 meeting of The Open Source Way editorial group, I informed the
group that I will need to step down from the position of Lead Editor for
the project.
This is not due to any lack of interest in the project on my part. But the
requirements of my daily job have precluded me from dedicating enough time
to the editorial work, and for a while I have felt like I was more of a
drag on the project than a help. I was hoping that post 11/15, this
situation would change, but it is clear that this is not the case.
So, to benefit the project as a whole, I am going to step away for the
position. So if anyone is interested in helping out with part of the
project, please let me or Karsten know, and we can hand off the task set.
Brian Proffitt
Manager, Community Outreach
Open Source Program Office
Red Hat <>
M: 5747805695
@redhatopen <> Red Hat
<> Red Hat Community
4 years, 2 months