Schedule and release timing thread
by Karsten Wade
tl;dr -- things are moving quickly in this project in the context of The
World Around Us, and I'm worried they are moving too quickly for our
friends and family out there who haven't found us yet but who may be
available to contribute "soon".
I've been worried about a few things around our schedule:
1. The world around us is shifting literally daily in terms of what we
can all expect life to look like in six weeks, six months, and sixteen
2. With more ramp-up time for people to ponder and commit to writing a
chapter, we would have a better diversity of writers.[1] Yet ...
3. We have momentum that we don't want to lose by dragging out the
schedule too much.
4. Ultimately, we shouldn't force those who are able to act now wait for
others to come along before they can make progress and complete
chapters. Early and late contributors should be welcomed and enabled to
be successful.
One option is to shift the release date out and give us another month or
two of recruiting writers. People are already writing, but they would be
looking at a longer time until the gratification of publication.
Another option is to work with what we have, accepting fewer voices are
involved in the final work. Folks who come along in a month can be
subject matter expert reviewers instead of writers, at least for the 2.0
Today when discussing this with Bryan Behrenshausen, he suggested a
middle road that I really liked. I opened this thread partially to
tee-up his presenting that idea.
What thoughts, feelings, questions, and ideas does this bring up for all
of you?
Best regards,
- Karsten
[1] In that, all the chapters will eventually get written -- there are
several of us from Red Hat who are preparing to write whatever is needed
to get this guide done, but that will mean fewer voices at the writing
Karsten Wade [he/him/his]| Senior Community Architect | @quaid
Red Hat Open Source Program Office (OSPO) : @redhatopen | | |
4 years, 9 months
Updated invitation with note: TOSW 2.0 weekly stand-up @ Weekly from 11:30 to 12:20 on Thursday (PDT) (
This event has been changed with this note:
Updating to have a full hour so we can be available for people to have a
crossover meeting; suggestion came out of last week's meeting to
accommodate typical one-the-hour meeting starts, this takes advantage of
that to allow to have a conflicting meeting and still drop in here."
Title: TOSW 2.0 weekly stand-up
Welcome to the weekly stand-up/check-in for all people working on or
interested in the progress of the 2.0 version of The Open Source
Way: is the new contributor
meeting that is open to all participants, held under our Code of Conduct
[URL FIXME]. The email list contrib(a) has been
invited; this invitation is open to all.This audio and video of this call
is recorded and will be shared publicly under a CC BY SA 4.0 International
license as a content artifact of this open source project Status of repeating meeting20200423 -
Updating to have a full hour so we can be available for people to have a
crossover meeting; suggestion came out of last week's meeting to
accommodate typical one-the-hour meeting starts, this takes advantage of
that to allow to have a conflicting meeting and still drop in here.20200219
-- Trying this out in real-time, hoping that all the parts work. In the
interests of being fair to peoples' time and the desire to be a fully
transparent project, we will spend up to five minutes resolving any issues
in real-time. If we have some people unable to join, we can work toward
resolving their issues for the next week.20020227 -- open meetings minutes
for today, may switch to more central tooling solution after
When: Weekly from 11:30 to 12:20 on Thursday Pacific Time - Los Angeles
Joining info: Join Hangouts Meet
Join by phone
+1 413-853-2059 (PIN: 266410)
More joining options:
Calendar: contrib(a)
(Guest list has been hidden at organizer's request)
Event details:
Invitation from Google Calendar:
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of their own invitation status, or to modify your RSVP. Learn more at
4 years, 10 months
Updated invitation with note: TOSW 2.0 weekly stand-up @ Thu Oct 8, 2020 11:30 - 12:20 (PDT) (
This event has been changed with this note:
Updating to have a full hour so we can be available for people to have a
crossover meeting; suggestion came out of last week's meeting to
accommodate typical one-the-hour meeting starts, this takes advantage of
that to allow to have a conflicting meeting and still drop in here."
Title: TOSW 2.0 weekly stand-up
Welcome to the weekly stand-up/check-in for all people working on or
interested in the progress of the 2.0 version of The Open Source
Way: is the new contributor
meeting that is open to all participants, held under our Code of Conduct
[URL FIXME]. The email list contrib(a) has been
invited; this invitation is open to all.This audio and video of this call
is recorded and will be shared publicly under a CC BY SA 4.0 International
license as a content artifact of this open source project Status of repeating meeting20200423 -
Updating to have a full hour so we can be available for people to have a
crossover meeting; suggestion came out of last week's meeting to
accommodate typical one-the-hour meeting starts, this takes advantage of
that to allow to have a conflicting meeting and still drop in here.20200219
-- Trying this out in real-time, hoping that all the parts work. In the
interests of being fair to peoples' time and the desire to be a fully
transparent project, we will spend up to five minutes resolving any issues
in real-time. If we have some people unable to join, we can work toward
resolving their issues for the next week.20020227 -- open meetings minutes
for today, may switch to more central tooling solution after
When: Thu Oct 8, 2020 11:30 – 12:20 Pacific Time - Los Angeles (changed)
Joining info: Join Hangouts Meet
Join by phone
+1 413-853-2059 (PIN: 266410)
More joining options:
Calendar: contrib(a)
(Guest list has been hidden at organizer's request)
Event details:
Invitation from Google Calendar:
You are receiving this courtesy email at the account
contrib(a) because you are an attendee of this event.
To stop receiving future updates for this event, decline this event.
Alternatively you can sign up for a Google account at and control your notification settings for
your entire calendar.
Forwarding this invitation could allow any recipient to send a response to
the organizer and be added to the guest list, or invite others regardless
of their own invitation status, or to modify your RSVP. Learn more at
4 years, 10 months
Updated invitation with note: TOSW 2.0 weekly stand-up @ Thu Apr 23, 2020 11:30 - 12:20 (PDT) (
This event has been changed with this note:
Updating to have a full hour so we can be available for people to have a
crossover meeting; suggestion came out of last week's meeting to
accommodate typical one-the-hour meeting starts, this takes advantage of
that to allow to have a conflicting meeting and still drop in here."
Title: TOSW 2.0 weekly stand-up
Welcome to the weekly stand-up/check-in for all people working on or
interested in the progress of the 2.0 version of The Open Source
Way: is the new contributor
meeting that is open to all participants, held under our Code of Conduct
[URL FIXME]. The email list contrib(a) has been
invited; this invitation is open to all.This audio and video of this call
is recorded and will be shared publicly under a CC BY SA 4.0 International
license as a content artifact of this open source project Status of repeating meeting20200423 -
Updating to have a full hour so we can be available for people to have a
crossover meeting; suggestion came out of last week's meeting to
accommodate typical one-the-hour meeting starts, this takes advantage of
that to allow to have a conflicting meeting and still drop in here.20200219
-- Trying this out in real-time, hoping that all the parts work. In the
interests of being fair to peoples' time and the desire to be a fully
transparent project, we will spend up to five minutes resolving any issues
in real-time. If we have some people unable to join, we can work toward
resolving their issues for the next week.20020227 -- open meetings minutes
for today, may switch to more central tooling solution after
When: Thu Apr 23, 2020 11:30 – 12:20 Pacific Time - Los Angeles (changed)
Joining info: Join Hangouts Meet
Join by phone
+1 413-853-2059 (PIN: 266410)
More joining options:
Calendar: contrib(a)
(Guest list has been hidden at organizer's request)
Event details:
Invitation from Google Calendar:
You are receiving this courtesy email at the account
contrib(a) because you are an attendee of this event.
To stop receiving future updates for this event, decline this event.
Alternatively you can sign up for a Google account at and control your notification settings for
your entire calendar.
Forwarding this invitation could allow any recipient to send a response to
the organizer and be added to the guest list, or invite others regardless
of their own invitation status, or to modify your RSVP. Learn more at
4 years, 10 months
Shape of a chapter
by Karsten Wade
I had a discussion this weekend with Amber Graner, and was struck by her
recollection of the short, meaningful phrases that are hallmark of the
1.0 release. This is not the first time I've heard that from folks--the
original focus on PIE (principle, implementation, example) for
what/how/why had the effect that we kept the 'what' to a very short,
focused sentence or two.
In this new version we want more of a narrative flow, and I also think
we don't want to lose the summary-short statements that get to the heart
of the matter.
Here is what I've been thinking for the format of each chapter, which is
informed by all the recent discussions:
1. Title
2. Summary aka tl;dr -- summary of salient points from the chapter,
offering a chance to give the main points in short, memorable phrases.
3. Main content -- bulk of writing goes here
4. Stories of why -- the chapter author brings some of these stories,
but they can be swapped out with other stories from the
interview/story pool
5. Lexicon -- capture of various special terms in the chapter so there
is one place explaining the terms.
It's the summary/tl;dr that acts most like the 1.0 chaplets, for example:
So the memorable phrase in that example is from Karl Fogel, "Making
important decisions in private is like spraying contributor repellent on
your project.
Writers main concerns would be around 3. the main content, from which
the tl;dr and initial stories-of-why arise.
How does that sound to you?
- Karsten
Karsten Wade [he/him/his]| Senior Community Architect | @quaid
Red Hat Open Source Program Office (OSPO) : @redhatopen | | |
4 years, 10 months
Proposal: shift chapter outline deadline to 30 April
by Karsten Wade
Our original, get-active schedule may have been a bit too much, too
quickly for the way the world around us has shifted since Feb 2020.
I am proposing we shift out the deadline for chapter outlines until 30
We can get people writing immediately who have submitted outlines.
Any of us planning to catch and write whatever is not taken by another
writer, we can begin proposing outlines starting next week on 23 April.
We discussed this in the meeting last week and agreed that a single
shift of the hard deadline was the best approach right now. If that's
OK, let's finalize and decide here on list.
Any thoughts about this? Objections or support?
- Karsten
Karsten Wade [he/him/his]| Senior Community Architect | @quaid
Red Hat Open Source Program Office (OSPO) : @redhatopen | | |
4 years, 10 months