Discussions have started back up around creating a brand with associated
logo, color palette, design elements, and the like. You are invited to
participate, as a community member reviewing design ideas, or directly
involved in generating designs and related tasks.
Ideally, we'll be able to apply some beta decisions in the debut
announcement, such as color palette and a logo idea.
Main branding task and tracking ticket:
Logo discussion:
These elements are the building blocks and patterns for the website,
guidebook styling, print book styling (for PDF), and so forth.
If you are interested in this topic, we should be seeing some items
coming from Tuomas Kuosmanen and Shaun McCance (from Red Hat's OSPO) for
your input.
The list of items in issue #13 are the needs we're tracking for this.
Take a look, any questions or anything missing?
We could use some illustration skills, especially around a book cover
design that can be applied to the PDF and prepare for a possible printed
run future.
Tuomas—what other skill gaps do we need to fill?
There are also some web designer skills needed around styling the
Asciidoc output, including building a multi-page website for the HTML
version (perhaps generated by Antora?).
Shaun—what skill gaps do we have around the various book rendering tools?
There are some large and some small tasks in here, and we should all be
able to review some iterations of the work created by those who step up
to work on the task. Ultimately, we should let designers and the doers
of the task decide on the choices we consider and brand we land on.
Best regards,
- Karsten
Karsten Wade [he/him/his]| Senior Community Architect | @quaid
Red Hat Open Source Program Office (OSPO) : @redhatopen
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